life's journal ♥ reality ♥ past and future ♥ dreams ♥ love ♥ favorite ♥ anything that makes our life so meaningful :DD
Jumat, 29 Mei 2009
Early Morning
Yes, i know today is saturday and i have free activity, you know what i mean. . .But i decided to go to school today. Now its 05.34 am in my clock. Usually, i still asleep during this hour. I dont know, why i want to wake up too early today. I try to sleep again, but i can't. Why? I dont know(again). I'm happy i can wake up early(without clock alarm) but i think this is so weird. Maybe because i waiting for the devil beside you and hotshot?*LATW. Or maybe for the boys b4 flower?*begin at 1 june, 10.30 bali's time. Ung. . .I feel i still sleepy but i cant sleep. Well, i'll try to do something. . .:)
Kamis, 28 Mei 2009
Yeph. . .
Today is one of the most boring time i had in my life. This is holiday. Yeph. . .And I went nowhere because my parents must go work. /ohvoodoo. The only thing that make today fun *only one* is just my kompie *hug kompie* i can use photoshop and play games. But after 5 hours managing computer *since 8 o'clock till 1 pm, i turned it of. I feel sorry for my computer,because since the holiday started, i always use my computer everyday, at least(minimum) for 8 hours. What a pity computer! And also the same with my handphone, i use it for interneting;blogging,chat,facebooking,search something, etc. Every day i got my hp battery charged. Oh,my poor handphone. . .*kick guling* I'm sorry *sobs* and i choose to watch cartoon in ANTV, i wait for the 'keroro gunsou'. Whoa. . .I want to go somewhere. . .TT. Tommorow i've planned to go to school, collecting 'something' from my junior schoolmate. Hey, don't think anything bad. I'm an innocent girl *bling2 eyes* well, i want to see the cartoon seriously now. That's all for now ! Hope i can go somewhere soon!
keroro gunsou
Today's activity
Hari ini saia makan2 di kfc matahari. . .Sama temen2. . .Makasi yg uda mau dtg tadi! XD saia dpt hadiah dari beberapa temen. Abis makan, pergi ke timezone, maen. . .Untuk permulaan,maen house of the dead, ituloh yg tembak2an. . .Kira2 dpt 3x, 2x byr sendiri, kemudian di saat kritis, radit dgn berbaik hati bayarin 1x game lg utk aq n dina. . .Tumben dia baek, fufufu. . .Tapi makasi loh,dit. . Pada akhirnya ga sampe scene 3 uda kalah. Tangan rasanya uda pegel bgt. . .Sebelum dapat mencicipi game laen, tiba2 saia di sms papi,katanya uda dijemput. Alhasil saia buru2 pamit n langsung nerobos gramed. . .Belum sampe di gramed, ketemu ama mamanya amy. Tertundalah perjalanan saia selama 30 detik. Setelah pamit, saia menyerbu gramed. Titip brg2 yg td dikasi tmen2. . .Kemudian berputar2 mencari nakayoshi 68. . .Saia heran, setelah 2x muter kagak ketemu juga. Kemudian saia telusuri pelan2. Tiba2 sang sopir menampakkan diri. Untung mata saia tertumbuk pada tulisan di sebuah komik 'nakayoshi 68' langsung saja saia sambar beberapa kemudian periksa kerapian *kayak paskib aja* dari pinggir2 komik it. Setelah it saia mau mencari komik laen. Tp yg saia ketemukan tidak mengena di hati saia, kemudian, pada saat mau menyerah utk mencari komik laen,saia diselamatkan oleh komik berjudul 'hoshi star' tanpa berpikir lagi, saia sambar komik it. Tentunya saia tdk lupa periksa kerapian, agar tidak menyesal membeli. Saia jalan ke kasir, sambil pasang tampang sedih. *harga komik naek lagi,wtf!* begitulah perjalanan saia tadi. NB: begitu saia smpe dirumah, saia menyadari ada yg ganjil dari tangan saia. Apa,ya? OMG! Ternyata ruas paling bawah jari saia bengkak gara2 keseruan maen house of the dead. Saia tertawa, tapi dalam hati berkata : wth.
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
Korban = Guling-chan
Baiklah, saia bosan hari ini dirumah dan gak ngapa2in.*lempar guling* Lalu saia belom selesekan tugas TIK ttg adobe *tendang guling* Saia mau ke toilet tapi males *peluk guling* Saia coba telpon riri tapi dia busy *gigit guling* Saia nyalakan kompie tapi tak ada yg dikerjakan *bentak2 guling* Saia tiduran sambil nulis blog *si guling disamping saia* Saia dengerin musik, tapi ga semangat *tindih guling* Saia pengen ke warnet,tapi pasti ga guna *cabik2 si guling* Saia mikirin sesuatu yg buat kesel *pukul2 guling* Saia pengen maen piano,tp ga ada piano *gampar guling* Saia mau jalan2, tp pasti ga bisa *makan guling* Saia pengen curhat *curhat dgn si guling* Saia kesel akan sesuatu *uda kasian ama guling, jd ga ngapa2in* Saia pengen senyum *kalo bisa ketawa*
wokeh. . .Cukub sekian. .. .
wokeh. . .Cukub sekian. .. .
Minggu, 24 Mei 2009
My activity today
Hey, can you guess what i've do today?
*wake up
*drink juice
*watching cartoon
*take a bath
*watching cartoon(again)
*editing some photo in adobe photoshop
*go to buy some bread
*go to my father's friend house
*go home
*turn on the kompie
*watching devil beside you (epic!*niru dina)
*watching hot shot (LATW=laugh all the way)
*take a bath
*watching tv
*drawing chara
*read comic
*interneting (right now)
well thats all my activity, and i manage to turn on the kompie, because there isn't any interesting the program in tv. . .
*wake up
*drink juice
*watching cartoon
*take a bath
*watching cartoon(again)
*editing some photo in adobe photoshop
*go to buy some bread
*go to my father's friend house
*go home
*turn on the kompie
*watching devil beside you (epic!*niru dina)
*watching hot shot (LATW=laugh all the way)
*take a bath
*watching tv
*drawing chara
*read comic
*interneting (right now)
well thats all my activity, and i manage to turn on the kompie, because there isn't any interesting the program in tv. . .
Sabtu, 23 Mei 2009
my new hobby?
*watch devil beside you : so sweet, so seru
*ngenet karena bru isi pulsa : xD
*googling : iseng
*watch hot shot : laugh all the way
*jarang makan blakangan ini : soalny serasa kenyang mulu
*nyanyi2 gak jelas : meneriakkan suara hati
*thinking : merenung mikirin bnyak hal
*gila2an : ? (dgn alasan yg kagak jelas)
*buka kompie : ngedit tugas cw
*nulis blog : pengen aja
abis ini uda ga jelas deh mau ngpain. LOL :)
*ngenet karena bru isi pulsa : xD
*googling : iseng
*watch hot shot : laugh all the way
*jarang makan blakangan ini : soalny serasa kenyang mulu
*nyanyi2 gak jelas : meneriakkan suara hati
*thinking : merenung mikirin bnyak hal
*gila2an : ? (dgn alasan yg kagak jelas)
*buka kompie : ngedit tugas cw
*nulis blog : pengen aja
abis ini uda ga jelas deh mau ngpain. LOL :)
Jumat, 22 Mei 2009
waiting, or no?
ngantre? nunggu? males? bosen? ngantuk? pengen ngenet trus2an?
*sama deh kyak aku...nungguin devil beside you bsok.
*sama deh kyak aku...nungguin devil beside you bsok.
Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
you, the gaps, and me
if i come to you sweetly, will you receive me sweetly too?
if i whisper to you, will you listen every word that i say?
if i stand next to you, will you realize that it is me?
you're far away there
there's gaps between your world and mine.
i hope i can meet you.
*hope it will be granted
if i whisper to you, will you listen every word that i say?
if i stand next to you, will you realize that it is me?
you're far away there
there's gaps between your world and mine.
i hope i can meet you.
*hope it will be granted
Kamis, 07 Mei 2009
useless thing
hello, i want to talk about useless thing. . . . . . . . . . . .
well, that's all (useless thing isn't it?) thanks to read wakhakhakha.
well, that's all (useless thing isn't it?) thanks to read wakhakhakha.
Rabu, 06 Mei 2009
cangkok,tempel dan sambung pucuk
seperti judulnya, itulah ujian praktek yg diundi waktu itu. untuk ipa, ada fis n bio. fis klp dan bio perorangan, bio1 herbarium, bio2 insectarium, bio3 uji makanan dan bio4 vegetatif buatan. aku dapat bio4. pdhal pengennya bio1 biar gmpng. bio 4, kita hrs membwt 3 jnis, yaitu cngkok, tmpel, sambng pucuk. ung. . .buanyuak buanget. . . . . belon harus bikin laporannya. yah moga2 sih aku bisa. sadhu 3x. amin
Selasa, 05 Mei 2009
Baiklah, kali ini aku mau nulis dgn b.indonesia.
topikna adl musim.
di indo, spt yg qta taw, cm ad 2 musim, sedangkan d luar ngri, ad 4 musim. sru rsana kalo ad 4 mo nulis opini ttg 4 musim itu.
1. SEMI : kykny menyenangkan, bnyk bunga-bunga, pdng rmput ijo. . .angin sepoi. . .
2. PANAS : aq ska! langitna cerah, bunga matahari muncul!
3. GUGUR : banyak angin, daun gugur,oranye xD
4. DINGIN : Salju! dingin! beku! pohon yg ga ad daunnya, artistik!
bnerny bnyk yg mo k tls, tp maklum, limit. he
topikna adl musim.
di indo, spt yg qta taw, cm ad 2 musim, sedangkan d luar ngri, ad 4 musim. sru rsana kalo ad 4 mo nulis opini ttg 4 musim itu.
1. SEMI : kykny menyenangkan, bnyk bunga-bunga, pdng rmput ijo. . .angin sepoi. . .
2. PANAS : aq ska! langitna cerah, bunga matahari muncul!
3. GUGUR : banyak angin, daun gugur,oranye xD
4. DINGIN : Salju! dingin! beku! pohon yg ga ad daunnya, artistik!
bnerny bnyk yg mo k tls, tp maklum, limit. he
Senin, 04 Mei 2009
i hate to be like this. i can't type word as much as i always do with computer and my other cellphone. i think i can write 100000 words now.(no kidding,only joking.)
well, today i've read toraburu, a little bit ero comic, that my friend always read it. is it moe? maybe. but i like the funny face of the character, as same as i like hachibe maeda's funny face, i thought his face was very weird. but no problem, almost all the girl in my class read it. hahahahaha (no joking,no kidding)
well, today i've read toraburu, a little bit ero comic, that my friend always read it. is it moe? maybe. but i like the funny face of the character, as same as i like hachibe maeda's funny face, i thought his face was very weird. but no problem, almost all the girl in my class read it. hahahahaha (no joking,no kidding)
real toraburu (real trouble)
Minggu, 03 Mei 2009
Chatbox not useful for me
Although i've added the chatbox, i can't read anything from my handphone, so i still can't read all the comments etc. yeah, maybe there's a few people who are read my blog.
That's real. It's like i write it to read it myself. Hm... that's no matter for me and it is quite fun!!! yeah!!! oh yeah i'm very sad because the MEGANE OUJI wasn't appeared
in my favorite monthly comic, NAKAYOSHI 67. Huhuhuhuhuh.... But theree's many funny story and i got many double chapter because some comics were absent, like FIANCE wa Monster, Innocent World, Megane Ouji.....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (crazy)
well i borrow my friend's note book to open my blog, she is do dancing for the 'pagelaran' it's similar like pentas seni, art exhibition, blabla...
hey, my opera is damaged, so i use another cellphone yessterday... I can't write too much because the limit is only 512 words.
N.B: Am I talkative?
yeah well, that's all for now, and i'll post this as soon as... yeah I've posted it...
That's real. It's like i write it to read it myself. Hm... that's no matter for me and it is quite fun!!! yeah!!! oh yeah i'm very sad because the MEGANE OUJI wasn't appeared
in my favorite monthly comic, NAKAYOSHI 67. Huhuhuhuhuh.... But theree's many funny story and i got many double chapter because some comics were absent, like FIANCE wa Monster, Innocent World, Megane Ouji.....WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (crazy)
well i borrow my friend's note book to open my blog, she is do dancing for the 'pagelaran' it's similar like pentas seni, art exhibition, blabla...
hey, my opera is damaged, so i use another cellphone yessterday... I can't write too much because the limit is only 512 words.
N.B: Am I talkative?
yeah well, that's all for now, and i'll post this as soon as... yeah I've posted it...
omongan gak penting
RATING : THREE STAR (solidly recomended) adopted from internet
THE STAR : DWAYNE JOHNSON as jack bruno, CARLA GUGINO as dr. alex friedman, ALEXANDER LUDWIG as seth, ANNASOPHIA ROBB as sara
jack bruno is a cab driver, one day he met seth and sara, who were 'aliens' and jack help them to finished their mission and back to their planet. many troubles happened when they try to finish the mission.
RATING : THREE STAR (solidly recomended) adopted from internet
THE STAR : DWAYNE JOHNSON as jack bruno, CARLA GUGINO as dr. alex friedman, ALEXANDER LUDWIG as seth, ANNASOPHIA ROBB as sara
jack bruno is a cab driver, one day he met seth and sara, who were 'aliens' and jack help them to finished their mission and back to their planet. many troubles happened when they try to finish the mission.
Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009
YESTERDAY. . .lastpart
annie and rara didn't watch the movie. they think that the film will not be interesting for them. after watch the film, we go to, where annie and rara wait us. we bought some donuts. we take some photographs, talking and laughed. amy went home earlier than us. then putri and some of us went home. i wait my parents with annie and steph. i enjoyed what happen yesterday. 2bcontinue
yea(h)? (ea)ster day?
We gather at gramedia, and went to pizza hut first. we use 3 dining table. there were about 16 students from 35 people in my class who joined. we were talking and laughed so much. after we finished to eat, we went to the cinema to buy tickets. i meet some of my friends in elementary. after buying tickets, we go to watch the movie. putri n i admire the boy who was on that movie. so we whispered and laughed each time the boy was in action.some of my friend(boy) said that they were more handsome than that boy.
one week i didn't use internet. now i want to share what i've done yesterday.
Yesterday, i went to mall bali galleria with some of my classmate. our big plan were to saw movie in d' cinema. there were 2 movies on the time. the first one was the 'RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN',WD FILM. 2nd was 'P2' a horror film, eh. . actually i dont know what kind of film is p2. but on the poster, i see a sentence "the nu sensation(maybe,coz i forgot the mid word) of fear" i decided not to watch p2. i don't like horror(2bC)
Yesterday, i went to mall bali galleria with some of my classmate. our big plan were to saw movie in d' cinema. there were 2 movies on the time. the first one was the 'RACE TO WITCH MOUNTAIN',WD FILM. 2nd was 'P2' a horror film, eh. . actually i dont know what kind of film is p2. but on the poster, i see a sentence "the nu sensation(maybe,coz i forgot the mid word) of fear" i decided not to watch p2. i don't like horror(2bC)
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